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Bulletproof Armored Cars - Who Uses Them and Why?

The use of bulletproof cars has risen dramatically over the past few years. They are used in situations where people want to be safe from threats like robbery, carjacking, assault and other attacks.

Armored vehicles are also being used by high profile individuals and citizens of conflict zones. These people include journalists, law enforcement and government officials who need to travel in a car with armor protection.

Why is the demand for bulletproof cars increasing?

  • The global economy has grown, and people are looking for ways to protect themselves. They're not only seeking out high-end armored SUVs, but also basic cars with armor protection.

  • While the most popular type of armor is level 6 protection that stops various armor-piercing rounds, there are other types that can stop even sniper rifles. In addition, some companies offer level 7 protection, which can stop a range of armor-piercing rounds.

  • Whether it's a small sedan or an SUV, the weight of the armor will increase significantly. A standard vehicle will add around 500 pounds, and a top-of-the-line armored vehicle can put up to 2,500 extra pounds on the back of the car.

What are the different types of armor?

  • There are many types of armor available, and the best way to find out is to talk with an armored vehicle company. They should be able to explain each of the different options and what it will cost.

  • Some companies have special designs for their armored vehicles that make them more functional. For example, a company like TAG builds its vehicles with an advanced 360-degree safety cell that covers the vehicle's entire exterior, including roof and windshield. It also includes a fire suppression system, run-flat tires and an armored fuel tank.

  • Another option is the use of laminated glass. This method of ballistic protection involves a thick layer of resin and glass that can absorb energy and disperse it. However, it's not a very effective method because the resin can break down in the presence of a lot of stress.

  • Other companies have developed a new type of defense, using composite fibers that are less than half as heavy as steel. This could help reduce the overall weight of the vehicle and keep the appearance undetectable to the naked eye.

  • These composite materials are not cheap, but they will be much more durable than a typical metal bulletproof armored cars. Plus, they can be lighter and more aerodynamic.

  • The use of laminated glass is also becoming increasingly common in civilian armored vehicles because it is more durable and can withstand more force. It also can provide protection against the spalls that often occur after a projectile hits the glass.

  • Aside from the main body, some armored cars also have reinforced bumpers. This allows the vehicle to pass through barricades without being damaged.

  • Some security companies also have spare parts that can be replaced should something go wrong. These companies will also be able to tell you how long the warranty will last.

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